If you want to be a good boss
B e
O pen
S erious and
S incere in what you want to get done.
If you want to be a better boss the
B est
O ption is to
S et an example by
S tarting to do what you want others to do.
If you want to be the best boss
B e the motivating factor
O ffer opportunities
S ail together sure about the shore to reach
S eek and see success
Bad bosses
B ore
O thers by
S enseless
S uppression
Worse bosses are
B ig egoists
O bsessed with
S uperiority complex
S yndrome
Worst bosses
B elittle
O thers contribution and
S upport sycophancy and
S elfishly take credit for everything.
A boss must ensure
A team’s combination of
T alents and techniques
T actics and toils
I ntentions and intelligent operations are
T aken together and
U sed for
D elivering what is required then what will
E merge will be only success.
A boss must not be a
T errorizing
T orturing
I nterfering
T ermite
U selessly
D ownloading his
E goistic outbursts
If you want to be a good boss
B e
O pen
S erious and
S incere in what you want to get done.
If you want to be a better boss the
B est
O ption is to
S et an example by
S tarting to do what you want others to do.
If you want to be the best boss
B e the motivating factor
O ffer opportunities
S ail together sure about the shore to reach
S eek and see success
Bad bosses
B ore
O thers by
S enseless
S uppression
Worse bosses are
B ig egoists
O bsessed with
S uperiority complex
S yndrome
Worst bosses
B elittle
O thers contribution and
S upport sycophancy and
S elfishly take credit for everything.
A boss must ensure
A team’s combination of
T alents and techniques
T actics and toils
I ntentions and intelligent operations are
T aken together and
U sed for
D elivering what is required then what will
E merge will be only success.
A boss must not be a
T errorizing
T orturing
I nterfering
T ermite
U selessly
D ownloading his
E goistic outbursts
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