Saturday, September 10, 2011

SEPTEMBER 11-Internet


I mmensely useful and

N icely and easily connects people;

T he greatest

E ver

R eference manual that enables

N exus between all

E ducated people and

T akes you into a world of wonder and wisdom.

A lmost all

T he activities,

T echnological advancements and

I ntellectual exchanges

T ake immense benefit from this and in terms of

U tility and user friendliness to human race this

D iscovery surpasses

E very other scientific discovery.

SEPTEMBER 10-Intelligence


I mportant

N onlinear

T hinking is

E volution’s best

L earning tool to

L aterally and

I nwardly

G ain

E ducation and

N ew and nice perceptions leading to

C reativity and

E nlightenment.

A llow anything

Through only after

Thorough verification by

Intelligent perception and

Thoughtful contemplation and both

United will

Deliver true




Getting away from Our defense and Denial modes, and

Getting Ourselves Deep into the

Gamut Of Description and definition defying

Grand Outputs that Develop beyond all

Given Options Discernible to all the

Great Over-evaluated Delusions of the

Group of Our Dredging which

Gathers, Outpours and Delineates from its studiously

Grown Operations of Dead templates of our various modes of perceptions cannot

Grasp the Omnipresent Divinity the

Grandest Operator and Developer who

Gathers all Our selves and Dwells inside everyone of us as a

Grand manifestation to Open ourselves to Deepen our spiritual evolution.

A ll our

T houghts must

T urn

I nwards

T o

U nderstand and unravel the

D ivine

E nlightenment .

Thursday, September 8, 2011


H eart and head
A ccommodating and
R eciprocally balancing the
M anifestation
O f the
N atural you and nurtured
Y ou with the outer world.

A ccepting and adjusting
T o the
T hings happening outside with
I nner self
T otally
U nites and
D evelops into a
E ndearing harmony of being.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011



H arboring
A nimosity
R ears
M alignity

A void animosity,
T ry
T o take everyone
I nstead into
T hy fold and
U ndo all
D estructive
E ndeavors

SEPTEMBER 6-Happiness


H eartfelt harmony
A ll around with everyone and
P eace within oneself
P roduce
I n the inner self
N ice
E njoyment and
S ense of
S uperb feeling.

A llow all
T houghts that
T rigger
I nterest, imagination and inspire
T o
U nleash and
D eliver
E njoyment



H alf of
A ll your
B eing
I s
T hrough
S crupulously pursued practice.

A dmit
T hose traits and
T endencies that
I nspire positive
T houghts and developments but
U proot those that
D estroy your
E mancipation into a better person.



G rueling and
U psetting constant
I rritation
L ingering
T o trouble the consciousness.

A t all times anyone may escape punishment but
T roubles are always
T riggered to
I nner consciousness by
T hose
U nscrupulous
D eeds
E verywhere every now and then.

SEPTEMBER 3-Guidance

G reat
U seful
I ndirect way of leading others and
D irecting them without
A dvice or
N agging but
C aring
E ncouragement to make them do what is best.

A lways let others
T ravel
T heir
I ndividual and independent way by
T actfully,
U sefully, but
D iscreetly directing them and
E ncouraging them to take the best routes.

Friday, September 2, 2011



G reat
U nspecified
E ntrants into your territory and
S urely and royally
T esting you.

A lways
T ry to
T reat every
I ndividual guest as
T hough he is the most
U seful person and it is your
D uty to
E ntertain him/her well.



G iving beyond your talents,
R eaching beyond your skills,
O perating beyond others’ expectations and
W orking beyond your mastery, all
T hese truly take you to greater
H eights

A lways try to
T oil beyond your talents,
T ake on anything with sincerity,
I nspire with your
T rue skills and mastery,
U nleash through all out efforts, then,
D evelopment and growth will
E nsue automatically and very effectively.

AUGUST 31-Greed


G igantic
R equirements and
E verlasting needs
E ver present and never
D windle in quantities.

A ll of us must
T ake care,
T hat in the long run
I nfinitely trying to
T ake away and use up everything is
U nrealistic and
D rastically
E ndangering to everyone and everything