F uture based
R eserving is a
U seful and
G ainful
A sset creation but
L ikely to be
I rritating
T o others though good to
Y ou
A sset creation
T hrough
T hrift
I s a time tested
T ool
U seful to be
D eveloped by
E veryone.
P resent is the pleasantest and only perfect
R evelation of and representation of the
E luding and ever moving
S equence of
E very
N uances of
T ime as it becomes past or looked upon as future all rolled in one.
A ware of what is happening now and allow
T houghts to consciously focus on present;
T urn not to past to merely relive the past;
I nstead be inspired by instant inner consciousness of
T he moment
U nraveling and
D eal not in future options but delve deep in
E very moment
So, the best way to lead life is to take each day as it comes, and live each day to the fullest.
Here are some very interesting quotes about present moment or now
David Hawkins says “The true source of joy and happiness is the realization of one’s existence in this very moment” These are just a few quotes from the many great teachers past and present. There are hundreds more. There is a common thread running through every spiritual teaching that has ever come into existence…and ever will do. And it is a simple one. The common thread is living in the present moment.
Make use of time, if thou lovest eternity; know yesterday cannot be
recalled, to-morrow cannot be assured: to-day is only thine; which if
thou procrastinate, thou losest; which lost, is lost forever: one
to-day is worth two to-morrows.--QUARLES.
If we stand in the openings of the present moment, with all the length
and breadth of our faculties unselfishly adjusted to what it reveals,
we are in the best condition to receive what God is always ready to
communicate.--T.C. UPHAM.
To welcome the now is to welcome life itself, for the now is inseparable from life. So don’t make the now into an enemy. Make friends with it. In other words, accept each moment and whatever it contains as if you had chosen it. Immediately, life will begin to work for you, rather than against you. Then watch the miracle of life unfold.- Echart Tolle
Jean Klein said "Living is to be found in the timeless Now"
F ine
A rt of instigating
S ensitivity to tickle the sensuality;
H iking and
I nviting the
O gling instincts
N onchalantly.
A dmire
T he
T rue beauty
I nnately implanted and also
T he touch ups
U nleashed to
D raw attention and
E nhance beauty further
There was a time in India when the self appointed cultural police vehemently opposed, especially through the media criticizing and condemning right left and center all genre of beauty contests like fashion shows, cat walks and especially the commercial advantage that the Miss INDIA contests had. It was not in the early 70’s or 80’s but in the late 90’s when the Indian films were actually portraying women as vulgar as possible. So , I found this to be really hypocritical. Therefore I wrote in Eves Touch Adam’s view column at that time. Quote the article as it appeared:-
How hypocritical can we get?!
Is there anything wrong with beauty? Or contests? Or both? Are we sure we object to cynosures? Or are we peeved at the parading of an ectomorphic entourage of long legs and perky breast in see –through dresses, transparent wrap-skirts, and pieces torn asunder sticking on the body like strings of noodles slipped from a fork? Because all these promote the vulgar portrayal of women and increase the pornographic voyeurism of our youth. And we would be right on all these scores to object to a romantic twaddle that passes for culture and spoils the young minds. But haven’t these very things been shown day in and day out in Indian films for decades? In fact , our films abound in all these and much more, from sexpressive clothes to suggestive gestures to uncompromising postures to an enormous amount of veiled vulgarity.
We never object to viewing these films with our children. But we make such a hue and cry about beauty contests, which have nothing to do with vulgarity. In a beauty contest, the judgment is not only on appearances but on many other aspects of the personality. The winner is expected, perhaps, have the face of Venus, the brains of Minerva, the grace of Terpsichore, the memory of Macaulay, the figure of Juno, the voice of Cordelia. She is expected to be a Protean artist, a Triton among minnows, a Dulcinea to all, patient as Griselda and so on. Even if it were a mere test of beauty, what is wrong with it? Beauty may be skin deep, but it is at beauty that our eyes peep, our hearts leap, our memories want to keep, what haunts us in our sleep, so what if it is just skin deep? Once a father told his son, “Remember ,beauty is only skin deep”. The son replied, “deep enough for me, I am not a cannibal”. Our self- proclaimed , moralists will be satisfied if our winners in Miss India contests and Fashion parades declare as a woman once did when asked what gave her such a lovely complexion and what cosmetic she used, “ I use for my lips truth, for my voice prayer, for the eyes pity, for the hands charity, for the figure uprightness and for the heart , love”.
F orging ahead,
A cting aggressively,
N ever minding about the
A fter effects and
T aking
I nsulated and
C rooked views for justifying actions
A ttempt
T o
T each every fanatic the
I mportance of
T olerating and
U niting as the only
D ivinely
E xpected virtue for human life.
F our of our sense organs
A dorning our anatomy
C utely placed between the
E arlobes,
F ires freely
A ll sorts of emotions,
C ommunicates in many ways and
E xpresses our inner self.
F athom its
A ctual
C ommunications, there
E merges a whole lot of information.
F urrow beneath its
A natomy, its beauty is less in
C omplexion and more in
E xpression
A llow freely
T he face on
T op of your neck , the
I ndex of
T he mind to
U nleashe all
D eeply held , both dear and disgusting
E motions and express them.
A ttempt
T o
T ake the
I nner meanings of
T he
U ndeclared
D eeper
E xpressions from the face
Some interesting trivia about face many of which you won’t find on the net
1] Evidences of application of phrenological principles are found in EGYPT,BABYLONIA,INDIA,CHINA AND GREECE .In fact there was an expert calledZOPYRUS who examined the face ofSOCRATES and stated that he had several vices. All those around SOCRATES mocked at ZOPYRUS but SOCRATES said he was right and that he had all the vices mentioned but overcame them through reason.
2] As per JEWISH kabbalists, secrets teachings were not imparted to those who did not have requisite facial features.
3] According to HRISHIKESH DUBEY the Vedic scholar in his very interesting bookMYSTERIES OF VEDIC FACE READING,which I finished reading some months back, Vedic physiognomy lays down clear indication that the face brings out the nature, character, personality, intentions and the whole destiny of the person
5] Shakuntala is sitting right outside the house, sage Durvasa known for his anger comes visiting in the ashram. Lost in her thoughts, Shakuntala fails to acknowledge his presence. He gets infuriated and curses Shakuntala saying that the one whom she is thinking about will forget her face.
Some interesting quotes about and on face
3] Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty - they merely move it from their faces into their hearts.- Martin Buxbaum
4] A good face is the best letter of recommendation.- ELIZABETH I
- Elizabeth I
5] Who sees the human face correctly: the photographer, the mirror, or the painter?- Pablo Picasso
To get words to describe different types of faces
[http://adjectives-balayogi.blogspot.com/2011/01/for-words-starting-with-letter-f-that.html] entries 15 to 39 if you find problem reading this dictionary entries refer to my bloghttp://adjectives-balayogi.blogspot.com/2010/05/adjective-finder-or-reverse-dictionary.html