B est
I nstitution to
R emind
T he
H eavenly
D ate to
A ll of us
Y ear after year
B est
I nstance to
R emember
T he
H eavenly
D ivine
A lmighty for delivering
Y ou
B est to
I nvite,
R ecreate,
T reat and
H appily
D elight
A ll your friends
Y ear after year
A lways
T reat
T he
I mportance of
T his
U nforgettable
D ay
E very year
B est
I nstitution to
R emind
T he
H eavenly
D ate to
A ll of us
Y ear after year
B est
I nstance to
R emember
T he
H eavenly
D ivine
A lmighty for delivering
Y ou
B est to
I nvite,
R ecreate,
T reat and
H appily
D elight
A ll your friends
Y ear after year
A lways
T reat
T he
I mportance of
T his
U nforgettable
D ay
E very year