Saturday, January 1, 2011

MARCH 7- Birthday


B est
I nstitution to
R emind
T he
H eavenly
D ate to
A ll of us
Y ear after year

B est
I nstance to
R emember
T he
H eavenly
D ivine
A lmighty for delivering
Y ou

B est to
I nvite,
R ecreate,
T reat and
H appily
D elight
A ll your friends
Y ear after year

A lways
T reat
T he
I mportance of
T his
U nforgettable
D ay
E very year

MARCH 6-Bird


B est
I nspiration
R evealing
D ainty
S plendors

A lways
T ry thy
T alents,
I nner strengths
T o
U nleash and
D elight
E verywhere

Then your natural splendor renders you colorful, helps you soar high with wings of confidence, enliven the environment with inner song

MARCH 5-Betrayal


B elittling
E nterprise
T urning
R eal
A ffections, attachments and
Y ourself to
A bysmally
L ow levels

MARCH 4-Belonging


B elonging
E merging after
L onging for
O ften
N eatly
G uards well that to which/whom it belongs.

A nything
T aken in with
T he sense of
I nner belonging
T ruly
U nleashes
D ividends
E verlastingly

You belong to where your inner self wants you to.

Nothing in this universe belongs to you but you belong to it. You cannot control the course of air flow but it can decide your life span through your nostrils. All good and great things that you possess are the gifts of divine destiny bestowed by the universal energy as aspects of its myriads of mutations and manifestations so always respect nature.

MARCH 3-Belief


B oosts
E motional
L ink
I nvolvement and
E volves into
F aith

A ll
T ypes of
T rue
I nvolvements
T olerances are
U sually results of
D eep rooted
E verlasting beliefs

A lways
T ry
T o
I nteract
T hrough a
U nassuming
D ear belief with
E veryone and reap the positive results

Self belief is the best belief.

Belief is capable of creating facts and culminating in faith.

Believe in the worthiness of life and relive life worthily.
The first and most important belief that everyone must have is the belief in oneself.

MARCH 2-Being


B ridge connecting
E very
I ndividual
N aturally to
G od

A ll
T he
T hings,
I ndividuals
T horoughout the
U niverse are manifestations of
E nergy

MARCH 1-Behaviour


B y
E very
H abit
A ction
V alue
I nitiative you
O perate with and
U se you
R eveal your true self.

A ll
T all
T alks
I deas
T houghts are of no use
U nless in your
D eeds
E verything is manifested as part of your behavior

FEB 28-Beginning


B e
E ver
G eared up to
I nitiate and
N ot neglect

A t once
T ake
T he
I nitiative
T o
U se and
D o
E verything.



B est
E ver
E nergy
R esource

and one of the

B est
E ntertained
E vening
R elatives

A ll
T he
T astes
I n
T ongues
U nder
D rink’s influence is
E xcellent because when you are drunk you cannot distinguish tastes that much.



B est of
E verything is
A vailable to
U nceasingly
T reat
Y ou

B eauty
E verywhere is
U nsettling
T empting and
Y earning

B eauty
E nthuses
A ll
U nmindful of
T erritory or
Y earning

B ewitching
E xcellent
A dmirable
U navoidably
T empting and
Y ummy

B est
E ver
A ssociation
U nleashing
T rue
Y en

A t
T imes
T emptation
I nspire
T o
U nravel
D eeper
E motions

A dmire
T ruly
T he
I rresistible
T empting
U nparalleled
D elights of
E xcellence

A t
T imes beauty
T empts
I nnocently
T he
U nsuspecting into the
D oors of
E xcess

FEB 25-Bargain


B iggest of
A ll
R eal
G ains is
A cknowledging that
I nevitable
N ecessities of life has no bargains

B est of
A ll
R evenues,
G ains
A re
I n
N egotiating skills

A ll
T rue
T reasures
I ncomes belong
T o
U s
D ue to
E xistence,so we need to do justice to our existence that is the only bargain.

FEB 24-Bank


B ig
A mounts
N eed to be
K ept safe and used properly

B usiness
A lways
N eeds to
K eep
I n touch with
N ice
G uardians

A ll
T he
T reasures of
I ndividual and companies
T o be
U sed for
D evelopments of
E veryone with assured returns to the owners

FEB 23-Baldness


B est part of the skull is not
A bove it.
L ife is always
D eep inside

A ll
T houghts
T heories
I deas
T urn out from
U nder the skull and not from
D ark
E pidermal exterior of the skull.

FEB 22-Balance


B e
A ware,
L earn to
A cknowledge
N icely that
C reator is
E ver present in everything.

A ccept
T olerate
T urn
I nwards
T o
U nderstand
D ivinity in
E verything.

FEB 21-Bachelors


B eing
A way from
C reated
H uman being’s
E ssential
L inking
O f
R elationship through
S ocially sanctioned sex

A t
T imes
T he
I nevitable
T ruth is being
U nmarried in not unsexed or
D evoid of secret
E ndearments

T actful
T erminology
I n use
T o move around
U nfettered and
D o
E verything that married men do.



B est being
A lmighty
B rings through/to
Y ou

A ll
T hat
T he
I nnocent
T iny tot can
U nderstand is
D ear loving
E motions/endearments from you

FEB 19-Awareness


A ll
W isdom is
A ttention,
R etention,
E nlightened
N ice way of
E valuating
Sensibly and with all the

A ll
W orthy
A ttempts to
R eap
E nlightened
N ice
E mancipation requires
S ensitive and
S ensible perception.

A ttention
T ruly with
T otal
I ntensity and intense
T otality
U nravels in
D epth, the
E ssence of the thing observed.

A wareness
T akes away
T he
I nhibitions and inertia
T o
U nderstand and
D eal with
E nlightenment.

FEB 18-Authority


A ny
U se of
T he
H igher
O pportunities
R epeatedly to
I nsist
T hose below to
Y ield

A ny
U seful
T ool
H itched to
O ffer
R easonable
I nvolvement in
T he yearnings

A ny
T houghtless
T ampering or
I nsistence
T o
U se or
D eal with, in any
E motionless manner is misuse of authority

FEB 17-Attention


A ny
T enacious
T rue
E ngrossment to
N otice anything with
T otal intensity and
I ntense totality
O ffers
N ice dividends

A ttentiveness
T akes
T he observations
I nto the
T erritories where we
U nderstand better and in
D epth
E verything

When we seriously and sincerely pursue and practice getting somewhere with alertness and focused attention with total intensity and intense totality we [realize that we are already being there] will be already there.

FEB 16-Attachment


A ffection
T urning into
T emptation seeking
A lways to remain
C onnected with and
H ooked on
M entally and wanting to
E ntangle with
N ice repetition of the same
T emptations or thoughts of that temptation.

A ccept and do not
T ry to turn away from
T empting relationships
I nspire and get inspired by them but
T urn not a relationship into a retainer ship demanding
U nchanged repetitive status in relationship, for, that
D emeans and dries up the romantic charm of
E verything and everyone in the relationship

FEB 15-Athletes


A gile
T highs,
H ips,
L egs and
E ver ready
T oes

Everything in
Shape and speed make good athletes.

A lways
T ake
T ests of
I mprovement
T o
U nearth
D epths of
E ndurance.

FEB 14-Atheism


A ny
T otally
H elpless
E nergy less
I ndifferent
S enseless
M umbo jumbo

A lways
T ry to
T reat with
I ndifference
T he
U ntruths
D enials and
E vils

FEB 13-Artists


Good artists are known for the mastery of the medium.
Better ones are known for their unique mystery to make the medium marvelous.

Best artists are those who not merely reproduce visible things interesting or even make visible those things and aspects which are otherwise not visible to our perception but they instigate visions to synergize our souls into hitherto unexplored realms of pleasure and perception.

Ordinary artists are emotional, good artists express emotions and great artists instigate inner emotions and aesthetic expressions.



A esthetic
R esplendent
T reatment of anything

A esthetic
R eactions
T o Anything

A esthetically
T reating
T urning
I nnerself
T o
U nravel
D epths of
E verything

A dmire
T aste
T ake
I nward
T o
U nleash
D elightful
E ntertainment

FEB 11-Arrogance


A ny
R ash
R eaction
O perating when
G reatness is
A ssumed and
N ot
C learly and truly
E xisting

A ny
R ash
R eaction
O ften
G eared
A t
N egating
C lean
E xistence

A rrogant
T houghtless
T errible
I ndividuals are
T o be
U sually
D iplomatically
E vaded.

FEB 10-Argument


R easonless
G affe and
U pstaging of
M eaningful
E ngagement of
N ice
T alk

A ttempts
R easons
G eared towards
U nderstanding
M utually
E ngaging in
N etting in
T ie-ups

Arguments are

A t
T ime
T houghtless
I rregular
T alk
U ltimately
D elivering
E mptiness

A t
T imes
T houghtful
I nstigating
T alk to
U nderstand
D eal with
E ntanglement.

It is best to

A void or
T o
T urn away from
I ncisive
T ongues
U nscathed in
D iplomatic
E vasion

Every argument is like a coin. it has two sides but the problem is one side cannot and does not see the other.

FEB 9-Appearance


A lways
P retence
P romises
E qual
A dmiration as
R eality,
A nd
N icely
C onvinces others of its
E qual status.

A ll
P eople
P refer
E ffervescent
A ppearances to
R eality
A s reality
N egates
C ursory
E valuations

A ppeal
T o
T he
I nstinct
T o
U nderstand in
D epth
E verything then you can sieve the real from the appearances.

A lways
T rust
T he
I nner self
T o
U nravel
D ivine
E nterprise then reality will be revealed and appearances exposed

FEB 8-Apology


A ny nice
P reventive
O peration
L eads
O nto
G enially
Y oking

A ttempt and
T ry
T o
I nsulate from
T he
U npleasant
D irty
E xplanations



A ny
N uisance
T ormenting us

A ny
N egative
T hought

A ll
T alks
T houghts which are
I nsipid and
T otally
U seless
D eserve to be
E jected out like an ant

FEB 6- Animals


A lmighty
N ever
I ntended
M an’s
A nimalistic
L ife style to
S abotage other animals

N ation’s
I ntegrity
M orality depends on how
A nimals are
L oved and
S ocialized

A ll living beings are
T he
T rue
I nheritors of
T he
U niversal
D ivine
E nergy

FEB 5-Angels


A ll
N ice
G odly
E lements
L iving to
S ave, succor and sensitize us

A lways
N ice
G odly
E lements
L ive with us
S incerely

A ll
T he
T ruth
I n divinity
T reats
U s
D aily through
E very angel

A ngels
T ell us
T reat us well
I ntellectualize with us
T hink with us
U nstopped.
D eal through us and
E mote with us as well but we seldom notice.

FEB 4-Ancestry


A t times
N ice and
C onvenient to
E scape to
S afety in
T he
R ecesses of
Y our forefathers

A ll past
N iceties
C annot
E scape
S crutiny
T hrough
R ecent
Y ears of actions

A ll
N ice
C reations are
E xtensions in
S omeway
T o
R emote past
Y ears of some association.

A lways
T hink of
T he
I nevitable
T ies of
U mbilical cords
D ivinely
E xtended for your prenatal s
S urvival.

A ll
T he
T ime tested
I nstitutions
T ucked not
U nder glories of

D istant past to
E volve.

FEB 3-Amusement


A ll
M irth
U sed
S ensibly
E ntertains
M ankind
E motionally and
N ullifies
T edium

A ll
T he
T rue
I nterest
T ake
U mbrage
D uly in
E ntertainments

FEB 2 Ambition


A im
M eant to
B e
I nspiration
T o every
I ndividual
O perating
N on-stop towards the goal.

A im
M ega
B eautiful
I n order
T o
I nspire
O perate
N on -stop

A ll
T houghts
T alks
I deas
T ried with
U nrelenting
D rive
E volves into reality

A chievement
T akes
T he
I nception in
T he
U ltimate
D epths of
E very individual.

FEB 1-Adjust


A dapt
D early
J ustifiably
U sefully
S atisfactorily with
T olerance

A lways
D early
J ustly
U nopposingly
S ilently
T ake in or give in

A ll
T ypes of
T imely
I nstantaneous
T olerance
U nravels
D eep rooted dear
E motions

A ttitude of
T rue
T olerance
I n
T imes of trouble is
U niversal
D eclaration of
E nlightenment

A djusting to
T wists and
T urns
I ncessantly,
T olerantly,
U nwaveringly with
D eep
E motions

A ctively
T irelessly
T alk to
I nnerself to
T ruly
U nderstand in
D epth the
E motions of everyone

One thing that you must firmly and constantly ensure is to accommodate and to adjust to changes

JAN 31-Admiration


A nything
D eservingly
M eaningful
I nteresting with
R eal
A esthetic
T ouch
I nevitably
O ffers
N iceties

A dmiration
D esires
M ean
I nward
R elationship with the
E xternal

A ll
D esires
M eander
I nvariably to
R eal
A dmiration
T o
I nvite
O ther
N iceties

A t
T imes
T antalizing
I ndividuals
T hings
U rge us to
D esire for and
E ulogize

Winding up fault finding with admiration binding will elevate, enrich and expand the spirit of everyone and bind everyone. Admire each scene and every person as they are without clouding them with your opinion, preconceived ideas and conditioned perceptions.
Notice in yourself and others every tiny wonderful aspect of life and admire, admire and admire

JAN 30-Addiction


A ny
D alliance
D rastically
I nvolving the
C ore of
T hy
I nner self
O perates
N egatively

A ny
D eep rooted
D alliance
I nvolvement
C learly
T ake root
I n you and
O utside influences are
N ot to be blamed

A ccept
T ackle
T he
I nner
T emptation with
U nprejudiced
D etailed
E xamination

JAN 29-Adoption


A ll [any]
D ear
O ffering of
P arental
T enderness
I rrespective of
O wnership is a
N ice thing

A ll
T iny
T ots
I rrespective of
T heir
U nfortunate circumstances
D eserve
E mpathy and everything else like every other child

JAN 28-Adultery


D irty
U ncontrollable
L ust
T ormenting
E very good
R elationship, a
Y euk [ yook] ( scot v.i. itch. n.itching sensation)

A dirty
U nsupportable
L ust
T rivializing
E very
R elationship into a
Y euk

A void
T hose
T errible
I ndividuals
T rivializing
U niversally held
D ear
E xchanges of relationship

A bhor
T o even
T hink of
I diotic
T rivial
U seless
D alliance and
E ntertainment of indiscriminate sex

A void
T hose
T hings
I n which
T rue
U seful
D ear
E motions are not there.

A lways
T ake
T hose
I nspiring
T rue
U seful links of
D ear
E motional bonds

JAN 27-Adversity


D ry
V itiating
E nvironment
R emoving the
S ap
I nspiration and
T aking away
Y earning for life

A n opportunity to
D iscover
V alues
E thics
R ighteousness
S acredness
I nner strengths
T olerance and
Y okemates

T rue
T ime for
I nward
T uning and
U nsealed
D iscovery of
E veryone and everything.

JAN 26-Advertisement


A bly
D elightfully
V ehemently
E motionally
R epeatedly
T argeting.
I ncessantly,
S urtly
I nstigating and
N icely
G oading

A ll
D elightful
V ehement
E xercises
R endered
T o
I nstigate
S enses
I ntellect
E motions
M anaging to
E ncapsulate
N iggling
T emptations

A ppreciate
T he
T empting
I nstigating
T alents
U nleashed to
D evelop
E nterprises

Advertisements must be

A ppropriate
T hought-provoking
T empting
I ntrinsically valuable
T rue
U seful
D etailed
E thical

JAN 25-Advice


Welcome are those

A ppropriate
D ear
V aluable
I ntrinsically
C aring
E ducating
W ords of wisdom

A ctions
D edications
V isions
I nspirations
S haring
E motionally

Let me take

A nything
T hat
T ries
I mprove my
T alents
U nderstanding
D evelopment and
E mancipation

A void
T hose
T rivial
I nstructions
T endered
U nsolicited
D isturbing the
E motions

A esthetically
D elivered
V aluable
I nspirations and
C aring
E ncouragements

A ny
D uly
V aluable
I nstruction
C ontributing to my
E mancipation

JAN 24-Affection


A ll
F ine
F eelings,
E motions of
C aring and
T ender
I nteractions
O n
N ear and dear ones .

A ny
F ond
F eeling and
E motional
C loseness
T endering
I nhibition less
O vertures
N eatly

F antastic
F eeling
E voking
C reative
T hinking
I nspiring
O ur
N ew- found skills.

A ffection
T owards
T hy
I nner
T rue
U niversal
D ivine
E nergy helps to evolve.

A ny
T ough
T hing or
I ndividual can be
T ackled with
U niversally
D emonstrated
E motionalism

JAN 23-Affirmation


A ny
F irm
F ine
I nsistence
R epeatedly
M agnified
A round
T hrough talk
I ntended to
O perate as
N eat confirmation

A lways
F irmly
F igure out and
I ncessantly
R epeatedly
M umble
A t any cost
T o your subconsciouness
I nspiring to
O perate as constant
N eighbor goading to succeed

T ime tested
T hought provoking
I nspiring
T ool
U seful for [positive]
D evelopment and
E mancipation

A Firm
T ry
T hat
I nstigates
T he
U niversal soul to
D o
E verything



A lmighty’s
G rowth
E nterprise

A lmighty
T ries
T o
I ncorporate
T imeless
U tilities with
D eadline to
E xecute

G ame of
E volution

A lways
T ry to
T ake
I mmortal
T imeless
U nlimited
D evelopments
E nthusiastically

Aging is not a chronological calendared event it is a logical splendor of evolution and growth.

G od given
E volutionary process

Reminding us that

A lways
G rowth
E xists

And that
A nyway
G rowth
E merges

JAN 21-Agreement


Agreement is nothing but

G reat
R eal
E ncouragement
E volved to
M eet
E xchange of
N eat
T ies

A ny
G iven
R easonable
E xchange
E xhibiting
M utual
E qual
N ice
T reatment will lead to agreement.

A ll
T houghts
T alks
I ntrinsically
T ruly
U niting
D eveloping
E veryone is agreeable.

A ll
T rue
T heism
I ndisputable
T ells the
U nderlying
D ivinity in
E veryone.

JAN 20 -Alcohol


L usty
C hemical combination
O perating
H avoc
O n you
L onger than you think

A ddictive
L iquid
C hemical
O perating
H avoc with
O ver reaching
L ousy Side effects

L ovely
C hemical
O ffering
H eavenly
O vertures
L urkingly

A ddictions
T rouble
T houghts
I njure
T hose
U nfortunate
D enizens in the
E nvironment

A ny matter or
T hing
T aken
I n
T olerable
U seful
D oses is
E thical

A ddictive
T houghtless
T emptation of
I nebriety
T urns into
U ncontrollable
D evilish
E motional attachment to alcohol.

JAN 19-Ambiguity


A ll
M eanings
B ask
I nvariably in a
G ame of
U sage
I nterpretations
T ill
Y ou take them as they are .

A ll
T houghts
T hings
I deas
T o date
U proot
D elight when
E xplained clearly

A lways
T here is
T emptation
I n
T he
U nknown than
D ead
E xplanation



A im
M eant to
B e
I nspiration
T o every
I ndividual
O perating
N on-stop towards the goal.

A im
M ega
B eautiful
I n order
T o
I nspire
O perate
N on -stop

A ll
T houghts
T alks
I deas
T ried with
U nrelenting
D rive
E volves into reality

A chievement
T akes
T he
I nception in
T he
Ul timate
D epths of
E very individual.



A ll
C reator’s
T alents
I n you
O ffered
N ot for
S loth

A cknowledge
C reator’s
T alents
I n you by
O ffering
N ice
S ervice

A ctive
T ireless
T rue
I nvolved
T asks
U ndoubtedly
D eliver
E verything

A ction
T urns
T alents
I n us
T o
U nite in a
D ivine
E xchange

No activity is a waste you gain something out of every action either expertise, experience, profit, contact or at least clarity Connate[inherent] creativity, enthusiastic endeavours, vigorous vitality and venerable visions all these fructify only through the mission of continuous, consistent and correct actionsThere is no such thing as a wasted step when your final destination is SELF-TRANSFORMATION



C leverness
H umorous disposition
I ntelligence
E nthusiasm
V alue based approaches
E quilibrium
M icro and macro
E ndeavors
N onchalant
T ries lead to
S uccess

A chievement is
T urning
T alent
I nto
T otal
U tility for
D evelopment of all or
E mancipation or entertainment of all